Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Inconvenient About the Truth

Tonight is very cold....and it has lasted this way for more than a week....

Earlier this evening, as I savored the pasta my mom cooked, I can't help but feel the chill my feet were feeling as the breeze coming in from the window, entered the house. At that time, my mom, together with an aunt, was talking about the ocean rise that happened in Bataan and Cavite that day (because of Tropical Storm Ineng), where the folks of some baranggays living near the sea, evacuated, fearing that the rise of the water might mean a coming of tsunami. Their conversation went on with how nature seems to be getting more destructive with it's storms and and earthquakes. This was followed with the discussion of a video which me and my siblings saw just last summer about Al Gore and his lectures on Global warming....

An Inconvenient Truth really shook my world ever since I saw it. Honestly the truth is really inconvenient sending chills deep in me. The video is no horror flick where you get to see creatures of the dark and blood all over the scene, but no doubt this is more than any horror flick--where we are the creatures of the dark and the remnants of our ways stands as blood spilled all over the scene.

The movie was indeed very informative. Al Gore really presented it very well--very well in fact that it has changed my ways, though still I'm a work in progress....The ice caps are melting, Though for some, as I've heard on the news, it was good for those traders, giving short distances for travelling ships, towards their destinations, still lives are at stake here....

I don't know if it's right to excuse the ignorant. Poverty may have deprived them of education yet is it right not to blame them for not being able to understand the trash each one has done to contribute in times of nature's turmoils? And then there are the learned--educated enough to educate the ignorant. I must say shame on them for there are still those who are well knowledgeable on things yet they do not do there contribution....Still come to think of it, doing our part to save the planet we so love, needs each and every one's hard work, driven by conscience. Things like these are learned from experiences and just common sense. The trash that are piled in sewage, blocking drainage, raises floods during rainy seasons. Illegal logging of trees does this also with the addition of landslides....these are but some calamities that take lives like snatchers riding motor bikes--first thing you were walking, next thing your bags are grabbed with the thief zooming away with it....

Everything starts with I do mine, I pray that the rest can do their part.....

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