Saturday, December 8, 2007


I have recently decided to take the opportunity of having an Internet connection a shot. After graduating and still staying home with no job except to do house chores and blog, I have taken the step to try reviewing, or learning, certain lessons back in college.

It is indeed very hard for me to so this but I must admit that I am not fully satisfied with what I've learned in school. I do not blame teachers for any lack--I place the blame on myself for my own lack of effort under the reason which I would like to shut my mouth as to not say it....(SECRET!!!!)

In the terms that I claimed my faults and accused no one for it, therefore it is my job to ensure that this time around, as tools are more accessible as it were before (I think--well with the Internet, yeah I guess), I have taken full responsibility on myself to supplement the voids in my learning.

And so I did....

I started reading again and found that I need to practice my vocabulary (my what happened to me!). I visited some sites and tried to understand their content (which I am very willing to share with you in my next blogs). And as I've said earlier regarding my vocabulary I have found some useful sites that has helped me with my quest to heighten up my knowledge:


I know there are still lots out there to check out, but for now, here's my share.....

Now all I have to do is motivate me more--especially in loosing weight...hehehe....


I would gladly appreciate suggestions of sites that may help me in my study (especially regarding techy stuffs)....Thanks....

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